Saturday, May 31, 2008

This was the wack trip to Pennsylvania. IT BLEW CHUNKS!! I hated every single second of it.
Well, I accompanied my mom yesterday on this shopping trip to Pennsylvania. I was expecting to have a great time exploring a new city all the while, getting good deals on merchandise. Wrong! I hated it there. Damn that place for it's ugly flat plains, boring as hell stores and crap views. I think I really only went just to nix that state off my "places I have been" list but I was brutally disappointed. I was rolling my eyes A LOT as I thought the whole place (at least where we were) was boring and dull as hell. My camera stayed tucked away as there was nothing important to save for memories. I spent minimal money (which is a good thing) on basically eats. I try to always take something positive from anywhere I go but this time, there was nothing!! The only good things abt Pennsylvania was the no tax thing. Otherwise, that state Blows!!

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