Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Cuba Trip - Nov 2006

The below is the post I wrote after I returned from my trip. I was obviously too lazy to actually do a proper post because there is not trip log of my Cuban escape. Oh well, I will post some pictures next.
Original Post

I am creating a web-site for the Cuba trip (and future trips to come) -this never happened as I was too lazy and not as interested in blogs back then - so once it is complete I will post the link. Otherwise my vacation to Cuba was an insightful experience. Going alone was at times boring (on account of having no-one to really talk to anytime I wanted to) but for the most part it was a real confidence booster.

All through-out the trip I really focused on myself and what I wanted all the time. At home it is hard for all of us in this fast-paced society to focus solely on ourselves and our wants and needs. But while in Cuba I ruled my life how I wanted to play it. If I wanted to sleep late, I slept late. If I wanted to eat lunch at 4, I ate lunch at 4. I was on a schedule built by and for myself. That was one of the beautiful aspects of the trip. Self-care. Also, after taking a trip alone, I felt so liberated, empowered and strong. I told myself that if I can do this trip on my own, I can basically tackle anything that life throws me. I think I am right.

Once I got home the reality of the situation struck me and I was so very pleased with myself. And not only was I pleased with this personal glory, my parents were both so happy for me. It was like all their fears had never occured as they were all smiles and pride as I recounted the events of my week in Cuba. I think they may actually take a trip one of these great days due to my description of the country.

In the end I recommend everyone to take a vacation. Just getting away from the grind of running to work, getting the dry cleaning, car maintance, bills etc., is so worth the money. Even taking a trip to a bed and breakfast for a weekend can do wonders for the soul. Vacations: One of life's great wonders!

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