Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ottawa Sept 2006

Here was a small post I did my visit to Ottawa. Yeah I went to school there but my best friend lives there so it was a blast!!

My Trip to Ottawa!!
Ok, so this week, work was stressful but overall...bearable. I am so looking forward to Word on the Street--The Book and Magazine fair Sept 24. I AM SO EXCITED!! (Books are my crack rock!)
Anywho, I just wanted to update you on my trip to see my bff in good old Ottawa. I can say some really good things about that place and some bad things. The bad are far and few though but when I attended UofO for 4 years, I had more than a few choice words about the city.
On Tangent When I think about it now, I was so young and stupid really. I never took the time to appreciate the beauty of the city or how clean it was, how safe it is (well, relatively), how nice the people are (um...lets not go that far) and how many things there are to do. I mean the night action is not up to par with Toronto's or anything but that can be a good thing sometimes. While I attended university I was like every other student I think, going thru so much so fast that it was hard to breathe and catch my breath. The changes were overwhelming: physically, emotionally, pychologically, metaphysically etc., the list goes on. But the real problem was that I never just said screw it and had real fun. I WAS EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE. I never tried to make new friends and relied on the ones I did have to widen my social circle. That can be the death to any undergraduate in my opinion.
Anyway, now that I am older and wiser I have come to appreciate things in life and make sure that I try to enjoy a little something out of everything that I do. Even while sitting in the back seat of a friends car on the way to a restaurant I see how beautiful the trees are at this time of year and enjoy the easy banter going on in front seats. I enjoy the charm of a nice restaurant and the way food is arranged on my plate. Those little things can actually lighten any mood. It is all in your perception of the itty-bitty, people, trust me.
Off tangent So, when I got to Ottawa, my friend was waiting for me where she promptly wisked me off to a nice rustic place for brunch with another friend of ours. Another tangent: Wow, things have really changed in my friend's lives. I thought to myself privately, I feel like I have done nothing compared to these women. I felt so simple -but in reality I have been busy but I was just focused on other things, is all. I wonder how they looked at me? I hope that me not having kids and not being married was okay??
Off tangent: After that, my bff and I went to her lovely home in Kanata. Very nice community for young families I must tell you. Kanata is not really a happenin' community for singletons, like myself, but for families, it is ideal. If I were married and living in Ottawa with a baby in my belly, I would be tucked away in Kanata for sure. (Huh, I could see my bff everyday-that would be great. I miss her A LOT!) The city is full of green grass, trails and bike paths, good schools, activities for adults and children alike, churches, grocery stores, rec centers all surrounded by calm and safety (once again relatively). After checking in at casa del Desjardins, the weekend began in earnest.
One of the great things we did was head to THE PERTH FAIR. Now, I have never ever been to a fair in my life and to say I was a little nervous was an understatement. However it was great fun. It was cool to see how wool is shaved off a sheep; the biggest pumpkin in all of Perth; taste home fresh honey; see horses trot in a contest; and a real cow herd show (that was cool). I had a blast and took a million pictures (all still in my camera--ppoohh on me).The days to follow included lots of fun activities with so much to do and see. I took so many pics it is unreal. It was like I was seeing Ottawa with a new pair of eyes or something. My bff showed me a wonderfully great time and I will forever be greatful to her and her family for putting up with me for a few days.
I now have a new found respect for Ottawa and it's quirks and flaws. I can look past some of the people and their 'attitude' now and see what a great city it is actually is. I think I might retire there...maybe.

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