Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Vegas, Day One

They day of departure to Las Vegas found me sick and miserable. I had been fighting off a cold for a few days but it hit the day before my trip full on. I went to work but left midday due to the symptoms. I was feeling really awful. When I got out of bed, I tried to convince myself that I was indeed feeling better and ready to head off to Vegas even though my stuffy head told me otherwise. However, instead of harping on how rotten I felt, I tried my hardest to feel better. I took loads of vitamin C, downed water and orange juice like a mad woman. I was dressed in my comfiest warm p.j.’s and tried to sleep as much as I could. I wasn’t very successful of ridding the cold or sleeping but at least I was not as tired as I was earlier that week. At 5pm, I was packed and heading to my parents house.

My sister drove me to the airport where I met my friend anxiously waiting for me in the check in line. Within 15 minutes, we had out tickets, went through customs and were waiting for our plane. We had time to spare at this point so we just sort of chilled and chatted. I was sick and phlegm but I didn’t want to ruin my friends’ good time so I basically faked being all excited. I think I was pretty successful.
<--A magnificent display Oriental display in part of the lobby of the hotel.
Finally, we boarded the plane at 8:00pm Thursday night. The flight was 4 hours and 16 minutes long and it felt more like 6 hours. It was real torture. I was very uncomfortable and annoyed the entire flight. Two guys, who were speaking very loudly, sat in front of us and drank beer the entire flight down. They reminded me of my trip to Cuba where the man beside me started drinking alcohol as soon as the plane coasted which is no problem, but it was 9:00 AM!! In any case, the two guys in front of us were really annoying because one dude kept chatting about how little regard he held for his wife. I think he thought he sounded cool but in reality, he just sounded like a jackass. I was able to drown out his voice by watching Animal Planet channel. I love it.

When we landed I took a peek out the window and was really shocked at the sight in front me of. All I could see was tall hotels all bright and colorful. It was crazy that the strip was that close to the airport! Walking in the airport terminal was another delight. There were slot machines. In the airport! Like, seriously. I was so shocked. We had a good laugh on that one.
<--Part of the hotel lobby
After walking out of the airport, we took a shuttle bus to out hotel. USD 16.00 drop off and pick up. What a rip considering our hotel was literally 7 minutes away from the airport. Walking into the Bellagio was surreal. It was after midnight but the place was jumpin’ and loud. I would have sworn it was day light outside if I hadn’t been outside just minutes before. After the 2nd day there, this became the norm and the constant hum of people and things became background noise.
<--The Bellagio's $10 million ceiling. These are individual glass blwon shells. Very impressive.
Checking in was simple and quick. We made it to our room but couldn’t open the door. We weren’t pressing the handle hard enough, it turns out. Silly us. At this point, it was about 3am our time and we needed sleep in the worst way. We planned what we would do the next day, washed up and hit the sack. It was so nice to rest after a long ass day.

<--Hanging ormanents from the ceiling in the hotel lobby.

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