Sunday, July 6, 2008

Miami in July - Day Two

Up at 8am and after eating and shower, Anita and I gave Gabor a break by going to his complex pool and chilled for about an hour. We then allwent to a small fruit market for fresh produce. All the fruit were so sweet and delicious as they wer all kissed by the Florida sun.

We then drove to Lincoln Road Mall and took in all the wonders that is Miami. Beautiful plastic people half dressed. Wonderful stores and great places to eat. Oh yes, grand palm trees. We then went to a sushi/thai restaurant for lunch. Gelato was on the menu for dessert. We then made a pit stop to a Starbucks (yuck). We then drove the hour or so the the Fruit and Spice Park.
What a cool place that place is. The park is full of local fruits as well as exotic vegetation including Japanese, African, Brazilian and Caribbean fruit and spices/herbs. Pictures: excotic fruits from the park. The place was wonderfully fragrant and pure.

We spent a good hour and a half there and then went back to Gabore's apartment. We freshened up, changed and headed to South Beach again to enjoy dinner with the two friends we were introduced to the night before.

From this dinner I learned that I am not a big fan of Spanish food but still had a wonderful time. We all then trekked down to Ocean Drive to take in Miami at night. This was a site to see. My eyes were all over the place. Everywhere was lit up beautifully and all the stores and restaurants were jumping even though it was ten at night. Pictures: ocean drive, a very busty mannequin, Versace's house which is now a night club for the uber-rich.
We saw famous places such as the Carlyle, Donatelo Verssace's mansion and the famous and crazy club, Mango. After walking back to our original meeting place. At this point Andreas and his wife bade us good night and the three of us kept walking and taking in the sites. However, after about half an hour of this, Anita and I called it quits. We all climbed back into the car and made it back to his home. Our nightcap included jasmine tea, cookies and a bit of tv. We then retired to our respective beds. Long day.

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